Following Up

A few hundred years ago, back when this presidential campaign was just getting started, I directed you to a website which would be tracking the electoral votes and other polling goodies. This prompted the following e-mail, which I reproduced here, from one of my more Conservative readers…

I am not surprised that you linked to since that's another socialist (i.e., liberal) website run by another one of your Anti-American defeatists. I wouldn't trust a comma on that Obama Osama loving site. If you are as fair minded as some claim, why did not you link to election projection, which is run by a good, God-fearing American who also lists and analyzes the polls? Could it be that you do not live in the reality-based community of your mind and think you can trick Republicans into the same kind of defeatist mindset you favor for Iraq, making us believe we cannot win?

In response, I noted that the so-called "liberal" site then (June 20) had Obama at 317 and McCain at 194, whereas the site run by the "good, God-fearing American" had Obama at 349 and McCain at 189.

Today, one week before the election, the site run by the Conservative guy has Obama at 375 and McCain at 163 and is forecasting, and I quote: "Barack Obama will win this election in a landslide. He will capture at least 350 electoral votes and win the popular vote by 7% or more." The site run by the alleged socialist has Obama at 364 and McCain at 157. In fact, the site my above correspondent recommended has pretty consistently scored Obama higher than the one he called "that Obama Osama loving site."