Debate Post-Mortem

I was out of the room feeding cats and sorting mail for a while so I missed about ten minutes. In what I saw, it didn't look to me like anyone drew any blood. I suspect most voters came away feeling that their guy is the guy and that he missed a lot of key opportunities to slap the other guy upside the head. McCain came across as patronizing in some exchanges and some viewers may resent that. Obama said "I agree with John" a few too many times but he also came across as a guy who knows a lot more than his opponent is willing to give him credit for.

I'm curious to see the "fact check" websites, not so much to see who distorted reality as to get a little more info on some of the claims that were not fully explained.

All in all, kinda dull. I think Jim Lehrer should have handed them each paintball guns and told them they could only answer a question after they'd scored a direct hit on their opponent. Or maybe they could have released about 300 live tarantulas on the stage and at the end, Lehrer could have brought out a watermelon and whacked it with a sledge hammer. Anything to liven things up.