This Just In…

Just got one of those phishing/Spam/whatever-they-call-them e-mails telling me my bank account had been compromised and I should click on their link to log in and reactivate it. You must get hundreds of those. They're scams to get info out of you — your password, your account number, personal data, whatever. (I've never fallen for one so I'm not sure what they ask of you.)

What impressed me about this one was that it told me my investment account with Lehman Brothers was being locked down because of the current financial crisis there and that if I didn't log in, I might lose everything. I, of course, do not have any investments or any monetary connection with Lehman Brothers…but you have to admire the timeliness and ingenuity. Most of America has no clue what's going on but the Spammers are up on the financial news.