Just to remind you and also myself: Next weekend, the people who bring you Groo the Wanderer will be guests at the Mo-Kan Comics Conspiracy in Kansas City, MO. Those people are Sergio Aragonés, Stan Sakai, Tom Luth and myself. There will also be some fine guests who have nothing to do with Groo. One of them, Marvel writer Gary Friedrich, will be interviewed by me on some sort of panel. There will also be a panel about Groo, of course, and for an odd change of pace, I'll be giving a talk and answering questions about Jack Kirby. If you're anywhere near Kansas City, come see us.
This is my first time in that neck o' the woods so I'm looking forward to seeing the usual smidgen I see of any city when I travel for a convention. I will be sampling a couple of local barbecue shrines and reporting here on the rib situation, as well.