Plugging Stuff

I'm real bad at plugging stuff I have coming out. It's been eons since I've mentioned Will Eisner's The Spirit, which comes out every month, or our upcoming "Groo Meets Conan" series…and I don't think I've made any reference at all to an upcoming Indiana Jones book I'm writing for Dark Horse. This is because there are more important things in this world to write about…like alarm clocks that wake you up to the smell of bacon.

But I should mention this: Years ago, a talented gent named Will Meugniot conspired with me and we came up with a super-hero series called The DNAgents (which way too many people referred to as "The DNA Agents") and it lasted a few years and was enormous fun, at least for us, while it lasted. Will left at some point and I continued it with others…and the Evanier/Meugniot issues (including a sequence or two drawn by Dan Spiegle) are about to be reissued in a fancy paperback with new color covers and mostly-old black-and-white interiors. DNAgents: The Industrial Strength Edition comes out the middle of October from Image. It's 452 pages, some of which contain special features by Will and a new foreword by me, for a paltry $24.99. Will is personally supervising the production of it so it oughta look real good.

And that's about all I have to say about it except that if there's sufficient reaction (i.e., sales), I assume they'll reprint the other issues, as well as some of the spin-off books we did like Crossfire. You now know just about as much as I do about this. The only difference is I don't have to pay for my copy and you do. You can advance order a copy from Amazon by clicking this here link. It's only sixteen and a half bucks from them…such a deal.