Today's Video Link

My friend Brad Ellis dropped by yesterday afternoon with sandwiches from Canter's Deli. Brad's one of the most talented musicians I know and for some odd reason, he often lets me write the lyrics for tunes he composes. I met him when he was playing piano for Forbidden Broadway and he's since gone on to become one of the most in-demand arrangers, composers and accompanists.

One of his occasional gigs is writing arrangements for Forever Plaid, the eternal musical quartet. Here's a number he arranged for a charity appearance — a mash-up of "There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens" and "How Do You Like Your Eggs In The Morning?" The video is a little dark but you should be able to hear the singing and the playing, which are what really count. The singers, in this particular assemblage of F.P., are Leo Daignault, David Engel, Neil Nash, and Larry Raben. Some day, they'll have a reunion of every actor who's earned a paycheck in Forever Plaid and they'll have to rent Shea Stadium.

Wait. I just realized they can't. Last evening, Billy Joel (and surprise guest star Paul McCartney) played a concert at Shea Stadium — the final event there before the place is demolished. Some of the songs Billy Joel performed were arranged by Brad Ellis.