Chuck McCann Alert!

That, my friends, is a photo of Chuck McCann…probably taken some time in the sixties when he was a superstar of kids' TV in New York. Being an L.A. kid, I didn't get to see nearly enough of that legendary program but from all reports, it sounds like something I would have watched every day and refused to miss.

No, I didn't become a Chuck McCann fan until the phase of his career as a comic actor on TV, in movies and in more commercials than you could ever imagine. Chuck was and is also a cartoon voice specialist, a puppeteer, a filmmaker, a writer, a producer and if my Gastric Bypass Surgery ever needs redoing, I have a feeling he could do that if I asked him. He is also the best teller of anecdotes and funny stories I know…as you will find out if you tune in tomorrow (Wednesday) and hear him on Stu's Show, the flagship program on Shokus Internet Radio.

'Tis true. Chuck is the guest for two whole hours…and they're live so you can phone in and ask him questions and gush all over the guy. Last week, host Stuart Shostak did a great interview with Gary Owens and this week figures to be just as wonderful. If you're missing these, you're missing one of the great treats your computer can bring you. Chuck will be discussing not only his kids' show but also his devotion to Laurel and Hardy (and friendship with Stan), his movies, his work on other TV shows, his…well, they won't even get through a tenth of what this man has done.

A quick explanation. This is not a podcast. You cannot listen any danged time you want. It's Internet Radio. It's broadcast/streamed at a specific time…in this case, 4 PM Pacific Time, which is 7 PM back east and so on. To listen, go to the Shokus website at the right hour and click where they tell you to click. The sound will come racing through your computer speakers and then you can do what I do when I listen, which is to minimize that window and enjoy the program while I use my computer for other, questionable endeavors.

The show repeats throughout the week, usually at the same hour. But listen live. It's more fun that way, plus you can call in and be a part of things.

I was supposed to be a part of things…co-hosting with Stu and my pal Earl Kress. Alas, I have been drafted by a foreign power to direct a cartoon voice recording session tomorrow and may (emphasis on that "may") not be able to make it. I'll certainly listen and will try to call in if I can't be there in person…but I sure will not be missed. Chuck is one of the most entertaining gents on this planet…as you'll discover for yourself. Like some of you don't already know that.