Yokumberry Tonic

I post here often about the Reprise! series that stages musicals up at Macgowan Hall at U.C.L.A. They do very fine shows there, as witness their current production of Li'l Abner, which I sturdily recommend. It runs through the 17th and seats are still available. I'm not sure if it still works but a few days ago, if you went to Ticketmaster and entered the word DAISY in the coupon space, you got a nice discount. Maybe you still can.

On Saturdays, the 2 PM matinee is preceded — from Noon 'til 1 PM — by an educational program on the history of the show at hand. Last Saturday, my pal Miles Kreuger hosted a great panel discussion with Charlotte Rae (who was in the original Broadway show), Stella Stevens (who was in the movie based on it) and Julie Newmar and Hope Holiday (who were both in both). Over on this page, they will soon be posting an audio podcast of this conversation. As of this moment, it's not operative.

Also on that same page, you can make reservations for this Saturday's program, which will be a lecture on the history of the Li'l Abner comic strip, Broadway show and movie, delivered by that great Li'l Abner expert, me. It's priced right. It's free.