Comic-Con News

Yes, yes…hard to believe we're already talking about next year's Comic-Con International in San Diego. Well, we have to. Four-day memberships have already sold out. One-day memberships go on sale tomorrow and they'll surely be gone long before the event itself, which takes place July 22-25 with the gala Preview Night on July 21. Hotel reservations through the con will not be available 'til the middle of March and I'm told the situation should be somewhat better — more rooms, more organization — than in years past. They'll still sell out but it may not be quite as maddening for some.

I call your attention to the new issue of the Comic-Con magazine. You can read or download it via this page. A fine, must-read publication.

The guest list for the con continues to grow…and also does for the WonderCon, which is being held in San Francisco April 2-4. I am a Special Guest at both, as is my mejor amigo, Sergio Aragonés. But don't let that stop you from attending either con or both of 'em. You can have a very good time at either one. I always do.