Fair Warning

The next Comic-Con International in San Diego will be held Thursday, July 22, 2010 through Sunday, July 25, 2010. As usual, the Wednesday evening before is a Preview Night with most of the convention open as of 6 PM.

This time, the con is selling two different kinds of four-day passes — one with and one without Preview Night. The passes that include Preview Night are already sold out.

I shall repeat that: The passes that include Preview Night are already sold out. Some of us still haven't finished unpacking from the last Comic-Con International but Preview Night at the next one is sold out.

I have no inside info as to how fast the four-day passes without Preview Night are selling but their unavailability will surely come sooner than it usually does. If you're thinking of attending and you figure you can wait until next April to order a four-day pass, I suspect you're in for a surprise.

Consider yourself warned.