For what it's worth, I received more argumentative e-mail for my position on Joe Besser than I did for my position on Roman Polanski. Roman may have committed an unspeakable sin but at least he didn't have the audacity to try and replace Curly.
I am still traveling and too preoccupied to post much…ergo, the picture of a can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup. This, for the benefit of those new to the party, is an ancient Internet tradition I've been attempting to start without a whole lot of success. The idea is that when your blog is going into sleep mode for a day or so — or whatever would be an unnatural amount of time for you to not post — you put up a picture of a can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup, just to alert all that you may not be around the 'net as often as they've come to expect. Almost no one does this…and one person who thought they were picking up on my idea was quite unclear on the concept. He posted a picture of a can of Campbell's Chicken and Stars Soup. That's just silly.
Normal nattering will resume shortly. If you're bored, I hear somewhere on the Internet, there's something else worth reading. You may, if you look hard, even be able to find naughty pictures.