The Kaiser Family Foundation, which does non-partisan analysis of health care in this country, has a report out on rising costs. Quick summary: The cost of health care is rising a lot faster than the average person's income. But you already knew that.
If the cost of health care continues to rise as fast as it has over the past five years, by 2019, your average American family will be paying $24,180 per year for their policy. If rates continue to rise as rapidly as they have over the past five years, you're looking at $30,803. The current number is $13,375.
So the best case scenario, if nothing's done to change the scenario, is an increase of close to 100% and it could be worse than that. Odds are most family incomes are not going to double in the next ten years.
When folks who resist change say, "I'm afraid that under a new plan, I won't be able to keep my present doctor," Democrats oughta tell them, "Under the old plan, you may not be able to keep your present doctor." You may not be able to keep any doctor…but obviously, even if you do have insurance, a lot of things are going to be different. Benefits are going to be cut. Allowable fees to doctors will be lowered. Many employers will stop offering insurance to their workers and many that continue to make it available will switch to cheaper companies or plans.
Something's gotta give.