Air Fair

Bob Elisberg sent me to this article about how airlines are all inventing new fees (for things like checking our baggage or giving you an exit-row seat) in order to generate more revenue. Welcome to another reason to curse the airlines. Among the many annoying things about this is that when you go online to compare fares and books your tickets, you can't get an accurate fix on what a flight will really cost. If one airline is cheaper but is charging for checked luggage and for seat belts and air, it might not really be cheaper.

You know, I knock Southwest a lot, mostly because they have this quaint idea that my suitcase needn't arrive at the same airport and time as me. But they're doing better than most carriers these days because they don't make you feel gouged at every turn. The price you pay is the price you pay. They also do a better job than most of going where I want to go at the time I want to go. Maybe I oughta start seeing if I can do carry-ons.