Your "Let's Rebuild Len Wein's Comic Book Collection" Project Update

As you may remember, some of us have been busily trying to replace the comics that our friend Len Wein wrote and/or edited and which were lost in a recent house fire. The details of the project are over at this webpage but the "latest list" of what's needed ain't been updated in a week or three. Reason? Donations are arriving at such a good clip that I've been unable to keep up with the avalanche. This morning, I went to my mail drop and hauled home about forty packages of comics that kind, generous folks (like, for example, you) have sent in. I hope to get them indexed in the next few days, at which time I'll update the list and you'll be amazed at how few we still need. I'll also try to catch up on e-mail from those of you who've offered goodies.