Joe Conason previews the looming G.O.P. attacks on Obama's attempts to fix health care in this country. Back when Hillary Clinton was spearheading such a move in her hubby's administration, I actually read most of the proposals and came to the conclusion that while there might have been an honest case to make against them, her opponents weren't bothering to make it and had just taken to outright lying about what was in it. It was like, "We have to stop 'Hillarycare' because it would allow foreigners to come to your house and kill your puppies!" That kind of thing. And the press would report the attack without asking the speaker where in the proposal it said anything of the sort.
I think the health care situation in this country is at least as threatening to our lives as anything the terrorists have a chance of pulling off and it's a lot easier to fix. I dunno if what Obama and his crew will come up with will be the right solution…but if it isn't, I hope it gets defeated or reconfigured because of what's in it and not because of its spurious Killing Puppies provisions. Or even because, you know, it would be scary to have "Government" come between you and your doctor when it's so much more comforting to have Blue Shield in that role.