This Wednesday on Stu's Show!

You'll want to tune in Stu's Show this coming Wednesday. Stu's guest will be Marc McClure, who played Jimmy Olsen in all the Superman movies that featured Christopher Reeve. But that's hardly all he's done. He was in several Back to the Future movies. He was in I Wanna Hold Your Hand and Used Cars and Freaky Friday and he's been on Smallville and Happy Days and The Shield and Cold Case and…well, you get the concept. He's been in a lot of things…and now he's appearing with my pal Stu Shostak for a live two-hour conversation, and he'll even be taking your phone calls.

A broadcast of Stu's Show is, as I keep telling you, not a podcast. You can't download it and listen to it whenever you want. You have to "tune in" when it's on…which in this case is from 4 PM to 6 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM to 9 PM Eastern. It's live on Wednesday and that's the best time to listen because, among other reasons, you can call in and ask questions. You can hear the show on your own little computer by appearing at the website of Shokus Internet Radio at the proper hour and clicking where you're told to click. The show reruns on other days, usually in the same time slot. Check out the site for a full schedule.