Now and then, we like to tackle the really important matters here at newsfromme. Here's one. Large size jars of peanut butter are misshapen.
Figure 1 above shows a typical large size jar of peanut butter. As you have no doubt observed if you've ever handled one, once you get down below about the halfway mark, it's very difficult to get the peanut butter out, especially if you have large hands. When you grip the handle of an average knife, about seven inches of blade protrudes. This is your scooping capability. The rim of the jar blocks your hand from going in deep enough to get the peanut butter from the bottom of the jar. When you try, you miss much and you also get peanut butter all over your hand, transferred from the rim of the jar. This is not efficient.
Figure 2 is a representation of how peanut butter jars should be once they exceed a certain size. The proportions are approximate but this is meant to depict a jar which by volume would contain the same amount of peanut butter at, one assumes, the same price. Note the wider mouth would allow your hand free access to the bottom of the peanut butter jar, enabling you to scoop out every last bit of peanut butter.
The world would be a better place if the manufacturers of peanut butter would take heed. Yes, I know some of them are preoccupied by the news that their product contains salmonella, which can kill people. Those companies are doing their customers a service by not enabling them to unjar as much peanut butter as possible. They would in fact be well advised to configure a jar that prevents buyers from getting any peanut butter at all out or failing that, they could remove the salmonella from their product. However, those who make and sell peanut butter without salmonella would be well-advised to look long and hard at Figure 2. Thank you.