I voted for Proposition 19 in California, the one that would legalize some usage of marijuana…and yes, I know the federal government says that won't stop them from prosecuting those who use it. I just think it oughta be legal even though I've never used it and can't imagine I would ever use it. I feel the same way about tobacco and alcohol, and have yet to hear a convincing reason marijuana should be treated differently. So why vote to legalize something that still won't be legal? To send a message…and also because it will amuse me to see certain folks who argue for states' rights do a one-eighty and argue that on this issue, the citizens of a state should not decide what's best for them.
Also: I said here the other day that I thought that "…any time anyone of any party says 'I've got a plan to make taxes fairer,' what they've got is a plan to lower theirs and directly or indirectly raise someone else's. Several of you have sent me links to various sites where various folks offer various alternative tax proposals. I went to all those sites, looked over all those ideas…and I still think that any time anyone of any party says "I've got a plan to make taxes fairer," what they've got is a plan to lower theirs and directly or indirectly raise someone else's.