Okay, so the judge here has overturned Proposition 8 and the right-wing pundits and politicians couldn't be happier. They don't really care about Gay Marriage — or if they do, it's secondary to the big prize, which is an issue to outrage their base and motivate it to march and vote and buy books and watch their shows and most of all, donate money. They were all disappointed when they lost Flag Burning as an issue that had that power. It was good for a time but it was so damned stupid, it soon collapsed. They all know Same-Sex Wedlock will eventually be of no use to them. The trend in this country is moving inexorably towards its acceptance. But they had hoped to get a few more years and a few more election-cycles out of it…and now they will. Rush and Hannity have to be turning cartwheels.
I have no idea what's going to happen with the courts on this. It probably has something to do with where it heads, how quickly it gets there and who's on the various benches when it arrives. Eventually, it'll get to the Supreme Court, I guess. Before then though, a lot of people are going to rake in a lot of cash.