Pat Buchanan, who has turned losing the presidency into a highly profitable industry, has a column out in which he challenges those who refer to Saddam Hussein as "the new Hitler." Here's an excerpt…
Well, let's see. Hitler conquered all of Europe from the Arctic to the Aegean and from the Atlantic to Stalingrad. And Saddam? He invaded Kuwait, a sandbox half the size of Denmark, and got tossed out after a 100-hour ground war. His country has been overflown 40,000 times by U.S. and British planes and he has not been able to shoot a single plane down. He has no navy, a fourth-rate air force, a shrunken, demoralized army. His economy is not 1 percent of ours.
Actually, the column (which you can read here) reads a lot like, "I served with Adolf Hitler. I knew Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was a friend of mine. Saddam, you're no Adolf Hitler." But that joke aside, Buchanan may have a very good point.