FACT CHECK: Everything Pete Hegseth is Saying

Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth is in a lot of trouble. The sloppy way this nation's war plans were accidentally leaked seem pretty indefensible and the few folks who seem to be defending him are the kind who'd be demanding resignation — if not public execution — if a cabinet official of the opposition party had done what he did. As Steve Benen points out, Hegseth has been denying allegations that the White House has already confirmed. The folks over at The Meidas Touch Network list some other claims by Mr. Hegseth that members of his own party are admitting are true.

As an aside: Almost the first thing out of Trump's mouth when he thought they could bully through their denials of what The Atlantic was reporting was that that magazine was failing and almost out of business. That's one of his favorite attacks when he has nothing substantial to say. Someone should make up a list of all the magazines, news sources and TV shows he said were failing…and which were doing fine when he said that.