It's Finger Time Again!

Every year about this time, we solicit nominations for the annual Bill Finger Award for Excellence in Comic Book Writing. This is an award that's presented every year at Comic-Con International in San Diego and it's for — and let me be very clear and boldface about this — someone who has a body of work as a comic book writer by someone who is or was unrecognized and/or unrewarded for it.

For some reason each year, we hear from folks who don't grasp the concept. One guy doggedly each year nominates his favorite artist on the premise (he explained) that any award relating to comic books is a joke if his favorite artist, who has never written anything for the medium, has not received it. A few folks each year nominate a favorite writer who, though perhaps brilliant, has only written a few funnybooks. Invariably, someone who doesn't understand what the word "posthumous" means nominates a favorite writer who is still breathing. And there are actually people in this world who think Stan Lee, the highest-paid, most famous person ever in comics, was unrecognized and/or unrewarded.

Oh, and speaking of getting things wrong…

The Blue Ribbon Committee — who, in all honesty, neither has nor bestows ribbons of any color — will select two people to receive this honor — one who is alive and one who isn't. ("Isn't," in this case, is the definition of "posthumous." And if you have a good candidate for that award, please try and suggest someone who would be an appropriate person to come pick it up — a relative, a co-worker, someone.)

All past nominations will be considered so if you nominated someone in the past, you need not submit them again. Basically, we're asking if any new names have occurred to you.

Those who have already received this honor are ineligible to receive it again. The full list of such people can be read over on this page. This will not stand in the way of the guy who writes in every year to suggest that we give it to Jack Kirby every year.

Here's the address for nominations. They will be accepted until April 15 at which time all reasonable suggestions will be placed before the committee and we'll make our decisions. They'll be announced before this year's Comic-Con International in San Diego and the awards will be presented then and there.