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In the early fifties, NEA (The Newspaper Enterprise Association) syndicated a comic strip called Chris Welkin, Planeteer. It was done by Art Sansom and Russ Winterbotham and it was drawn in a so-so Milton Caniff style. It only lasted a few years but in 1954, someone tried selling it as a TV series with the kind of extremely-limited animation that was the norm for animated programs produced for early television. As far as we know, only two episodes were made.

The voices were done by Marvin Miller and Virginia Gregg. Mr. Miller was one of the most-heard voice actors and announcers of his day and he did a lot of on-camera roles, one of which was starring in the TV series, The Millionaire. Ms. Gregg was an actress seen all over the place, especially in everything produced by Jack Webb.

I know about this because my good buddy Will Meugniot stumbled across it and now I share the two episodes…