The other day, I came across this clip on YouTube. It's Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in the 1936 movie Swing Time, introducing the song, "Pick Yourself Up." I don't recall ever seeing the entire movie but this scene triggered a powerful flashback memory for me. I'm about 99% certain that I was remembering seeing this scene when I was four or five years old. I remember the old black-and-white TV set we had in the living room at our house, I remember this scene on it, I remember singing the song over and over again for a few days after…
…and that's all I remember. But it's one of my earliest memories…
While we're at it, I came across this fragment of a Sammy Davis/Jerry Lewis special that I never saw before but in the first few minutes, they do their version of the song. I liked Fred and Ginger better…