Lists are already popping up on the 'net of folks who were "snubbed" by being omitted from the "In Memoriam" reel at tonight's Oscars…and of course, those who are upset are only upset about performers not being remembered in the broadcast. I decline to get involved in such squabbles.
I will though call your attention to this page on the Academy website where they've listed — by my quick count — 232 people who died in whatever they define as the year they're covering. I think they post this to slightly appease those who can be slightly appeased by certain omissions but also to make this point: If they put all these people on-screen for just ten seconds each, that's like a 38-39 minute segment. So someone who's gone has got to go.
I always like to look at this page because I invariably see some folks I knew but didn't know had passed. And I see friends like Mike Schlesinger and Susan Buckner who would have been pleased to know they at least made this page. Mike will be remembered a lot on April 6 when we hold what's looking to be a wonderful Celebration of His Life.