Today's Video Link

In 1974, Marlo Thomas and a bunch of her friends — some of them quite famous — put together Free To Be You And Me, a special which sought to break down antiquated stereotypes. Or at least, they were stereotypes that should have been antiquated, having to do with how boys should act and how girls should act. Basically, the premise was that one should not let their life be ruled and their possibilities limited by someone else's gender-related prejudices.

In the following years, we saw these prejudices become someone less potent. They haven't all gone away but a lot have and I'm at a loss to explain how this special might have advanced the changes, except that I think it had some impact. I also think we might need a new version of this special to knock down a lot of stupid beliefs about human beings who don't fit neatly into either descriptor in a society that recognizes only two options. I'm a big believer in the "None of my business" viewpoint about what consenting, informed adults can do with their bodies.

I also think that, deep down, most of the politicians and public figures who are all in a dither about these issues really don't care about them. They've just found that there's money and power to be attained from demonizing people who are just doing what they feel is right for themselves. Unfortunately, there's always money and power to be attained from crusading against minorities.

Here from 1974 is Free To Be You And Me