Today's Political Link

I'm not watching or reading a lot of news or political chatter at the moment but on a whim, I read this article by Rich Logis and thought it was spot-on about what we're facing in this country right now, Trump-wise.

Years ago, I wrote a comic book story about a new executive in the top job at a TV network. When he took over the office of the guy before him, the guy before him said something like, "I've left three sealed envelopes in the desk for you. The first time you get in trouble, open Envelope #1 and do what it says. The second time you get in trouble, open Envelope #2 and do what it says. And then the third time you get in trouble, open Envelope #3 and do what it says."

The New Exec thanks him but doesn't think he'll need whatever advice may be in those envelopes. Then a week or three later, he gets in terrible trouble because some decision he made has gone sour and he's panicky until he remembers those envelopes. In the spirit of "What have I got to lose?", he opens Envelope #1 and there's a piece of paper inside that says, "Blame your predecessor." So he blames his predecessor and that gets him through the crisis.

A few weeks later, there's another disaster and he panics until he remembers the envelopes. He opens Envelope #2 and there's a piece of paper inside that says, "Blame your predecessor again." So he blames his predecessor again and that gets him through the new crisis.

A few weeks later, there's yet another catastrophe and this time, he doesn't hesitate. He rushes right to Envelope #3, opens it and there's a piece of paper inside that says, "Prepare three envelopes."

I think those who put the felon-predator back in the Oval Office will grant him a lot more than three blamings of his predecessor but at some point, some of them will figure out that things were never as bad during the Biden Administration as they were led to believe and there are just some things Trump promised that are beyond the jurisdiction of any President of the United States. And meanwhile, he — and his family of friends — are getting richer and richer and richer.