Here's another one that fits into the "novelty" category. "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!" was recorded in 1966 by Jerry Samuels, a man of many occupations including songwriter. At the time, he was working as a recording engineer so he had access to all the studio equipment he needed to make this strange record. It was released under his other identity of "Napoleon XIV"..and talk about a "one-hit wonder." The flip side of this single was the exact same track played backwards and it was called, "!aaaH-aH ,yawA eM ekaT oT gnimoC er'yehT." On this side, the artist was identified as ""VIX noelopaN."
This is a promotional video that Samuels made for his record company. CORRECTION: I am informed that Jerry Samuels had nothing to do with this video…
Mr. Samuels recorded other pieces as Napoleon XIV, mostly having to do with the topic of insanity. This one wasn't on KHJ radio or my mixtape but I thought I'd throw it in here. This is "Split-Level Head" from his album…