A Quick ASK me: Garfield Quickies

From Adam Kennedy…

Hey Mark, here's a question that you may have answered on your blog before. On Garfield & Friends (which I love) I remember the slightly uncomfortably titled, "Quickies" were often (always?) direct adaptations of Garfield comic strips straight from the rag to the tube — rather like many latter day Peanuts "specials."

My question is, who was in charge of picking the strips to adapt? Did you yourself browse through the latest "fat cat 3-pack" and choose one that seemed appropriate? Was it someone else's job, or did Jim Davis ever paw a few your way?

Jim and his staff recommended a few. I picked out most of 'em from piles and piles of Garfield comic strips I had here in many forms while working on that show. I think one or two were original but most were from the newspaper strips.