Mark's Bad Break #7

I've had a couple of requests for updates on how my broken ankle is healing since I broke it 258 days ago. Here's your update: It's healed. At least, the doctor who did the surgery looked at x-rays and complimented his own work. The problem though is that the foot attached to said ankle hasn't fully healed from having various rods and screws inserted into it…so the ankle is fine but the foot isn't.

Thus, I am still having trouble walking, part of which has sometimes been because the knee on that leg is worn out and in need of replacement. Various injections keep it lubricated for periods of time but I'm generally having balance issues. I can walk but not well, especially on uneven ground. Still, it's better than it was last month when it was better than the month before when it was better than the month before…and so on. I guess I'm just lucky to be in a line of work where you can earn money while sitting down.

And that's basically your report. By the time I do another one of these, I expect to be balancing better than Simone Biles. So it may be a while.