Today's Political Comment

People are blasting Trump for saying that Kamala Harris is "mentally disabled" but my thought is "Well, that one's not gonna stick." It just reeks of desperation…and really, he'd be saying that about anyone who opposed him. If someone isn't blindly loyal to the guy, they're ugly and communist and fascist and their business is failing and they're weird and crooked and lazy and they hate America and they're rude and dishonest and headed for prison and any other insult that pops into that panicked mind of his.

I think one of the reasons he's not doing better now is that even a lot of his loyal supporters don't take this kind of thing seriously. They may still want the kind of anti-immigrant government he promises. They may have been snookered into believing certain lies about how the economy did under him versus how it is under Biden/Harris. But they don't think all his insults are literal. They're just enjoying the hatred.

Meanwhile, Jonathan V. Last takes us through the scam that is the new Trump watch.

And Steve Benen takes us through a real assessment of how the economy is doing.

Since Trump couldn't win my state if he gave every Californian one of those $100,000 watches and a neck massage, I don't see a lot of political ads on TV. But I see 'em online and don't see a lot that I think will move votes. This one, narrated by Sam Elliott, might…