Today's Political Comment

One of the zillion-and-a-half things I don't like about Donald Trump is his mania to have things both ways: "Everyone agrees" he won the debate against Kamala Harris but she cheated with some sort of earpiece that told her what to say and the moderators were biased in her favor. And the proof that he won is that she immediately asked for another debate, which is what you do what you lose…even though after the debate with Biden — which he says he won and probably did — he immediately asked for another debate.

And so on. I understand that there are people who are always going to vote for the Republican over the Democrat, no matter who they are. There are also people who feel they did well for whatever reason during the four years Trump was in the White House. I only wonder if they listen to his incoherent rantings now and wonder what they're going to get this time.

I also understand there are folks who have their pet issues: They're always going to vote for the candidate who seems more likely to keep their lives and neighborhoods free of immigrants, legal or otherwise. A lot of them don't think it makes any difference.

But then I have my pet issues. A big one for me is Health Care. I have real good health insurance and I believe everyone should; that it would not only be more humane but in the long run, both cheaper and better for society. As Kevin Drum and Jonathan Chait both note, Trump has no plan to do anything like that, even though he has for years claimed he did and he was only "a few weeks away" from unveiling it. To the extent Trump has any plan for health care at all, it's to cut people loose, including those with pre-existing conditions and/or who are in need to treatment they cannot afford.

I also think the guy is bad on Abortion, bad on the Economy and that he'd serve Ukraine up to Putin on a very large silver platter. Oh, yeah…and he's nuts, too. Did you know windmills cause cancer?

Anyway, here's another news-type story to remind you what's at stake in this election…