Today's Political Comment

I always try to remember — and it isn't always easy — that the Internet is all about clicks and clicks are all about clickbait. In a time like now with an important election looming, a great way to get clicks is to tell people either (a) what they want to hear or (b) what they don't want to hear. And that's why some of those articles get posted to the web; not because they're true but because they'll attract clicks.

Right now, I see a lot of potential places to click that will tell me Kamala Harris is surging and that the latest polls put her increasingly in the lead. That may be so…and Donald Trump is sure acting like she's clobbering him. If I were a candidate right now, I'd absolutely rather have her numbers than his numbers. But I'm going to adhere to the old "It ain't over 'til it's over" mantra. And given Trump's longtime habit of calling every loss or setback a fraud, it may not even be over when it's over.

So my mood is optimistic, not celebratory. You set yours where you want it to be.

I don't expect this website to change a single vote but I am going to post links to a few videos that may remind folks of what this election is about. Here's one…