Friday Evening

I'm on my backup computer because my main one went kablooey on me last Saturday and the Dell people tried to talk me through fixing it over the phone and now they're sending over one technician after another. I suspect it would be cheaper for them to just give me a new computer but they don't seem to want to do that.

Not much to say about the political situation other than that Donald Trump insists he won the debate the same way he insists he won the last election. Someone needs to explain to this man that drawing a crowd to come see you does not translate to votes. If it did, Neil Diamond would have been President of the United States for about eight terms.

I rarely plug GoFundMe causes here but I'll make an exception for this one. A group is attempting to erect a very silly statue of a very silly man. Here — I'll let another silly man tell you about it…

If you'd like to kick in, here's the page.