I don't post a lot of Happy Birthday wishes here because just about every day is the birthday of someone I know but I usually make an exception for my collaborator and best friend Sergio, who is AGE REDACTED today. He sure doesn't look or act like he's AGE REDACTED or even AGE MINUS 5-10 YEARS REDACTED . I guess drawing silly pictures keeps you young.
I have known Sergio since YEAR REDACTED so we've been friends for IMPRESSIVE NUMBER OF YEARS REDACTED and in all that time working together, we've had about five fights, one of which was about how many fights we'd had. Whatever the precise number, they all total up to about three minutes and then we were friends again.
I once wrote a particular issue of a comic book and had literally — and yes, I know what "literally" means and I'm using it correctly — more arguing with its artist, NAME OF ARTIST I WILL NEVER WORK WITH AGAIN REDACTED , than I have with Sergio for NUMBER OF ISSUES WE'VE DONE REDACTED on Groo the Wanderer. In fact, you can toss in all of our non-Groo collaborations and we still had fewer difficulties than I did with the artist of that one issue of that one comic, the name of which was NAME OF NOT VERY GOOD COMIC BOOK REDACTED .
What else can I write about this guy? You know how talented he is. You know how beloved he is. You probably know approximately how much work he's done…although I'd bet there's way more that you don't know about. Did you know what a fine cook he is? There, you see? You didn't know that. So I'll just wrap this up and say, "Happy Birthday, Sergio! You don't look a day over AGE MINUS 20 YEARS REDACTED ."