ASK me: The CAPS Logo

Here's a fast one from Matt Tauber…

As a founder of C.A.P.S., do you have any info on the "Steve Canyon"-inspired logo and who drew it?

Yep. William Stout drew it and I think it was his idea to somewhat ape the style on Milton Caniff's Steve Canyon strip. Mr. Caniff was briefly a member from afar. I don't recall him ever attending a meeting but I think he paid dues for a little while to support the group.

There are an awful lot of stories to be told about the group, at least from the days when I was active with it. I'll try to get around to posting some in the coming weeks. One of the things I discovered early-on was that when you start a group and decide you're going to restrict membership to "professionals only," there are some people who get really, really mad that someone has decided they don't qualify as professionals. There are also a few people who are inarguably professionals who get really, really mad when the group admits someone they don't consider a professional.

I'll try to tell some of the nicer stories. Some really wonderful things happened because of that group including folks making some sort of connection that really helped their careers.

ASK me