Today's Political Comment

Here's a prediction I doubt anyone will argue: Until the evening of Election Day — and maybe not even then — neither Harris nor Trump supporters are going to have a reason to feel comfortable that their candidate will win. Someone may be significantly ahead in either the projection of the Popular Vote or the Electoral College Vote but it's going to be a nail-biter. Furthermore: If Trump prevails and there's evidence of fraud, Harris is going to say the vote was rigged. And if Harris prevails, Trump is going to say the vote was rigged.

I know I've been tracking polls here but I'm thinking I've been taking them too seriously, waiting for the possibility of one candidate or the other opening a big lead. That, me thinks, is not gonna happen.

Here's an interesting piece by Heather Digby Parton on why Trump does not seem to be campaigning with the vigor and frequency of his previous presidential runs.

Oh — and here's New York Times opinion columnist Ross Douthat with an article called "How Harris Wins (and Trump and the Republicans Blow It)" and here's New York Times opinion columnist David Brooks with an article called "How Trump Wins (and Harris and the Democrats Blow It)." Personally, I don't think either guy knows what he's talking about.

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