Today's (Stolen) Video Links

This is such a great video link that I shamelessly stole it from the website of my friend Paul Harris. To assuage some of my guilt, please go over to Paul's website and read a few articles. This will be no hardship for you because everything he posts is of interest, especially when he hauls out an old audio file of some interview he did with someone exciting during his 40+ years of radio broadcasting.

This is a live feed — not a pre-recorded video — of a webcam focused on a watering hole within the Gondwana Namib Park in Namibia. At times, you will find no sign of life in the shot but at other times, you will be able to watch as giraffes, ostriches, hyenas, cheetahs, warthogs and other animals approach the waterhole to drink or bathe or cool off. The webcam is on 24/7 so it's just like any streaming cable channel you might watch. If you don't like what's on now, check back in half an hour. Here's the live feed…

And in case there's no wildlife there at the moment, here's a pre-recorded "highlight reel" of some of the creatures you might see there if you keep checking in. I may wind up watching this more than Comedy Central…