Another One of These

And if you get tired of looking at the Gondwana Namib Park in Namibia, here's a webcam pointed at the Okaukuejo waterhole in Etosha National Park, also in Namibia. At this one, you will often find elephants, the occasional rhinoceros and a few other animals that don't seem to hang out much at the Gondwana Namib Park.

With both webcams, you'll often find long periods of time when no one seems to be thirsty, especially when it's the middle of the night in Namibia. But if you use the little YouTube slider and move it to the left, you can scroll back through previous hours and see who's been there lately. I'm really having a good time looking at these places. It's exciting to see animals in the wild with no humans around to impact their behavior. I feel the same about some Trump rallies…