Today's Political Comment

Not much change anywhere. Harris is still a few points ahead of Trump but just a few. This makes his supporters nervous that she'll beat him and her supporters nervous that she won't. Trump keeps doing things like his visit to Arlington and his double-talk on Abortion that you'd think would cost him voters but I don't think any one or two missteps will. The cumulative effect might but not any one thing. It looks like the next few weeks will be a lot of anger at judges and prosecutors who want to hold the 45th President accountable for misdeeds. I wouldn't expect a lot of talk about policy except maybe on the debate stage if/when that happens.

Kevin Drum has a good explainer up about what happened with the withdrawal from Afghanistan which was not as much of a mess as some make it out to be.

Things are getting worse on the legal front for Rudy Giuliani. I suspect that will be the case every week for a long time so let this be a lesson to us all. If any major media outlet ever dubs you The Most Respected Man [or Woman] in the Country, try to live up to that label. Don't act like it's some ongoing version of The Purge for you and laws no longer apply.

And lastly for now: Trump said recently in an interview that he would win California if Jesus Christ counted the votes. Okay…but every single poll now shows him losing the state by about two-to-one — and Adam Schiff is trouncing Steve Garvey in the Senate race by about the same margin. So are all the polls rigged, too? I'd love to hear how that works.