It's That Time Again…

Regular followers of this site — I believe I have some — may notice that it is online well over 99% of the time and it loads pretty fast. This is because after misadventures with several other hosting companies, I finally sprung for one of the top grade ones which, of course, is not cheap. Every year about this time, I pay them thousands of dollars for another year of hosting this site. It's about the same amount that Johnny Carson got for hosting The Tonight Show…or at least, it feels like it.

Since I do next-to-nothing to "monetize" (hate that word) this site — no paid ads, no paywall, no Patreon account, no subscription fee — once a year, I ask my readers to chip in for the cost of keeping newsfromme online and totally available. The way it works is that I put up little banners like this one —

— and if you're so inclined, you click on one and use PayPal to send me whatever you can easily afford to send me. When I get enough to cover my annual expenses for this site, the banners will stop appearing.

And if you sent some bucks, you can continue to read this weblog with a clear conscience and the proud feeling that you did the right thing. If you don't donate, you can still read just as much of this site as the donors but you won't feel very good about it. As Felix Unger once said to Oscar Madison, "Let it be on your head!"