All the John Oliver You Could Ever Need

John Oliver's show is off until until September 8th but we are not without his presence on our screens…at least, our computer screens. When he goes on hiatus, they put an entire season of his past shows on YouTube…which I suspect means they've decided these shows will have little to no value as future reruns or home video releases. Here is a link to view Season One. Here is a link to view Season Two. Here is a link to view Season Three.

And some time today, they posted Season Four, which are the shows that aired from February 12, 2017 to November 12 of that year…so the first year of the Trump presidency. I watched parts of a few this evening and it's maddening how many of the outrages the show covered are still with us. This, by the way, was the season that the show went after Bob Murray, the coal baron.