Chicken Redux

I'm not going to get my hopes up yet but a Southern California real estate firm has announced they're bringing back the Koo Koo Roo chain of fast food restaurants…or maybe we should say they're trying to bring back the Koo Koo Roo chain of fast food restaurants. And maybe I should explain that Koo Koo Roo was "fast food" only in that it usually was served rather quickly. But the food they offered was somewhat healthy, non-fried and very delicious. Most folks loved their skinless but very tasty chicken.

I loved their cuisine and wrote an obit for the chain here when they closed the last one in 2014. From what I've heard over the years, it sounds like the chain was financially sound but there was a lot of financial mismanagement as they attempted to expand their locations and expand into other businesses.

I would very much like the chain to return and I'd like there to be an outlet near me and have it deliver and be just as good as it once was. I'm sure that's too much to ask. Over the years, I've had an awful lot of favorite eateries close and I've sometimes heard they were making a comeback…but I can only recall a few that actually did come back and it usually turned out it was in name only. The new versions never became favorites.

But…gee…maybe this time??? Maybe?