Convention Watching

I planned to just tune in to see Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama and that guy she's married to. But I peeked in early to see what was going on and they were doing the roll call, not as stodgy speeches but as some super-energized disco dance party with delegate after delegate saying wonderful things, not just about the candidate but about America and hope and optimism and about giving a damn about each other. What little I saw of the Republican convention was about Donald and only Donald.

So I got hooked watching the DNC roll call because it was so great to see such happy, energized people…so many faces of all different colors and ages. It was oddly exciting especially when you consider that the outcome was not in doubt. I'm sure there are folks out there who'll decry it as silly but it put me in a very good mood.

I wound up missing Bernie but I'll catch up to him online. I did see "first gentleman" Doug Emhoff, Michelle Obama and Barack, and I don't think I've seen three better speeches in a row at any of these things. Yes, the two Obama speeches were a bit repetitive and could have used cutting but they both did what they had to do and managed to sound like real people who cared about other real people. I don't think it's possible to do that when you're talking about Donald Trump.

Whoever put this show together did a great job. Oh — and I liked that all the signs I saw in the audience were about PEACE and HOPE and U.S.A. and FREEDOM. Nothing out there about MASS DEPORTATION.