Today's Political Post

Just settling down to work on a script with one eye on the Democratic Convention. It's taking place in Chicago but when Joe Biden takes the stage, I expect to be able to hear the ovation without having my TV on. I just saw Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC make an interesting sports analogy. Biden's like the pitcher who threw a winning game for five or six innings, faltered in the seventh and just plain couldn't go on and finish the game. Kamala Harris in the relief pitcher who steps in and tries to win those last few innings.

It's one of those analogies that only extends as far as it extends but it's not bad, especially in an election year where there are close to zero precedents. So much is happening that's never happened before. And someone else just pointed out that at the G.O.P. convention, there were no former presidents or vice-presidents…not even Trump's own vice-president. It was like the Republican Party never had any president except Donald. The Democratic gathering's going to have Biden, Obama, Clinton…and the good wishes of Jimmy Carter.

Prediction: The TV ratings for this convention will be higher than they were for the Republican one…and Trump will be screaming that it's all a lie. You know, like the election he lost was a lie, Kamala's crowds are a lie, every Trump indictment was a lie, every verdict against him is a lie, every statistic that shows the economy is good or crime is down is a lie, every poll that shows her leading is a lie…