Mark's Bad Break #6

I meant to write an update when it had been 200 days since I mysteriously broke my left ankle but I missed that milestone. It's been 208 and I'm quite a bit better than when last I wrote about this. In fact, I was better enough to go to Comic-Con in San Diego and by limiting my activities and having folks wheelchair me from place to place and panel to panel, I got through four days and five nights with a minimum of discomfort. After many months of feeling (mostly) locked away in my home, there was something very therapeutic about getting out and getting so many things done.

There's still that balance problem when I walk but at least I can walk. One of my physical therapists at the Nursing Facility where I lived for 33 days said, "Don't get frustrated that it's not normal yet. Just be proud and pleased each time it feels a little closer to normal." I'm settling for that.

The other day, I was talking to a friend of mine who's now in a Nursing Facility due to a fractured hip. He's more or less where I was in February and I was telling him that my still-limited mobility has forced me to be more selective about activities. I decided to attend Comic-Con but there are a lot of activities I've decided not to attempt. It's not a bad thing to reassess your priorities and to say of some possible outing, "You know, I really don't need to do that." I now value my time and effort a bit more highly.