Today's Political Comment

I saw a clip of Trump talking the other night and it reminded me of something. It reminded me of what New York Mayor Ed Koch said the night he ran for re-election one too many times and lost. And if this sounds familiar to longtime followers of this blog, I'm cutting-and-pasting it from an old post here. Once it was obvious he'd lost, a reporter asked Mayor Koch to what he attributed his defeat. His answer went something like this…

I could give you all sorts of answers having to do with the changing demographics of the state and with people blaming the city for some of the labor unrest and strikes…and there might be some truth to some of that. But the real answer is that sometimes, after a while, the public just gets sick of your face.

There are a number of reasons why Trump is slip-sliding-away in the polls at the moment and…I dunno. Watching that clip of him, I got to thinking that might be one of them that people aren't talking about much. It just seems like his act — the name-calling at anyone who doesn't worship him, the endless blathering-on about his own greatness — is feeling real stale. Enough people were weary of Biden but that didn't kick in when it was Same Old Guy as Last Time versus Same Old Guy as Last Time. But now, whatever you think of Harris and Walz, at least they're new…