Today's Political Post

I don't like pouring icy H2O on anyone's joy but I do like being cautious, especially on a matter as vital as the future of American Democracy. The New York Times has a poll out this morning that probably pleases anyone who feels about Donald Trump the way I do and feels about Kamala Harris the way I do. I've cropped out all that stuff you might not have looked at and here's what it tells us…

Cause for celebration, right? She's four points up in those three states and if she wins those three states, she's probably heading for the Oval Office and he's probably heading for a lot of courtrooms and maybe prisons. But there was some teensy type under those numbers and I've taken the liberty of enlarging it from the flyspeck font the Times used…

Changes things a little, doesn't it? It doesn't mean she and Governor Walz have a lock or even a near-lock on those electoral votes. It might mean they're heading in the right direction.