Free Book! Free Book!

Whether you were fortunate enough to attend Comic-Con in San Diego recently or not, you're going to want to download a PDF copy of the con's lovely souvenir book. It starts with a cover by the gifted Joe Jusko and then is full of info not only about this year's con but about the fields the con covers like comics and science-fiction. There are obits about con-type people who've passed in the last year (I wrote a couple of 'em) and all sorts of other interesting features.

My pal Gary Sassaman details the history of the Inkpot Awards…and I probably should just be quiet about this but I seem to be the only person who remembers that I suggested the idea of these annual bestowals in the first place. Then again, I might be one of only about four people still alive who were at the meeting where I suggested it. Perhaps I should have made some noise about this when there were more living/breathing witnesses.

The souvenir books for this convention have always been grand and glorious but they used to actually be books which came in your little bag of goodies when you showed up at the con. For many reasons, $$$ being chief among them, they've turned into downloadable PDFs, which I understand. I just wish they'd make arrangements with some print-on-demand company so that I could easily order a printed copy. And yes, I can make my own but it wouldn't be bound like a real book and fit in nicely next to the earlier ones.

Anyway, it's very good and it's free and you can get your copy at this link.