Today's First Video Link

This is the installment of Everything You Need To Know About Saturday Night Live covering Season 7 and that brings us up to date with what's been released so far. I'll link you to the video about Season 8 when it's released, which will probably be this Friday.

Season 7 was when Saturday Night Live really began turning into The Eddie Murphy Show…and the folks at NBC had to be worried because it was pretty obvious that guy wasn't sticking around indefinitely. A few weeks before the movie 48 Hours came out, Leonard Maltin invited me to accompany him to a screening room at Paramount for an advance viewing. When the film ended, we both turned to each other and almost simultaneously said, "Well, he's now a movie star!"

There's one blatant mistake in this chapter. They show a photo and identify it as NBC announcer Bill Hanrahan but it's a photo of Gene Rayburn — on the set of The Match Game, no less. The folks making these videos are very thorough so it wouldn't surprise me if they fixed this…